No Tolls on The Bridge!

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What if we just copied the I205 Bridge?
The Glenn Jackson bridge is 10,580 ft long. It is 4 lanes in each direction. The main span (Washington side) is 144 ft above the river at low river levels. It cost $169.6 million

Adjusting that $169.6 million cost for inflation (1982-2010) gives a current cost of  $378.05 million. (  That money built 8 lanes, 142 ft wide,  10,580 ft long or 1.491 million sq. ft. At a cost of $253.52 per sq. ft.
The current I5 bridge is three lanes in each direction and spans 3,538 feet. The 275-foot lift span moves 136 ft to provide 176 ft of clearance when fully up. (

Total structure length, for a new bridge, would be about 7924 ft.  Three through + three aux lanes each direction would be 12 lanes, 190 ft wide, 7924 ft long or 1.50556 sq ft.
At $253.52 per sq ft this would cost $381.68 million

COST:  $381.7 million
At this cost we can build 10 bridges  
for the cost of the CRC!
A cheap auxiliary bridge can connect Hayden Island to Marine Drive.
By landing near Evergreen blvd (or E 7th St.), SR14 can be left unchanged. SR 14 traffic can use the existing bridge.
The existing bridge can remain open for Hayden island traffic with simple connections to Washington.  With six lanes, there is room for bikes, peds and cars. Even light rail.
There is about 230 ft. Between the current bridge and the hotel to the East, enough space for the new bridge to be built without tearing down the building.  This will also eliminate the curve at the North end of the bridge, providing a straight freeway between Evergreen Blvd. and the South end of Hayden Island.

Based on the high point being at the current lift span:
One segment of the current bridge has a 2.2% grade (11 ft in 511 ft.).
To reach 95 ft. from Evergreen Blvd., we need to gain 33 ft.(1) from riverbank in 3256 ft., a 1.0% grade
To reach 95 ft. from E 7th St., we need to gain 55 ft.(2) in 2418 ft., a 2.3% grade
To reach 95 ft. from the South end of Hayden Island, we need to gain 75 ft.(3) in 4393 ft, a 1.7% grade.
To reach 95 ft. from the current landing we need to gain 70 ft.(4) in 2919 ft., a 2.4% grade.
A 2% grade would require 3500 ft., landing a little South of mid island.

Based on the high point being at the barge channel:
To reach 95 ft. from Evergreen Blvd., we need to gain 33 ft.(1) from riverbank in 3769 ft., a 0.9% grade
To reach 95 ft. from E 7th St., we need to gain 55 ft.(2) in 2931 ft., a 1.9% grade
To reach 95 ft. from the South end of Hayden Island, we need to gain 75 ft.(3) in 3702 ft, a 2.0% grade.
To reach 95 ft. from the current landing we need to gain 70 ft.(4) in 2228 ft., a 3.1% grade.

Google earth shows:
1) Glenn Jackson has a total width of 142 ft, with approx. 12 ft lanes.
2) Altitude at Evergreen Blvd. is 82 ft; 60ft at E 7th st.

Calculations (heights from Google Earth):

Riverbank is 30 ft. Which provides 40 ft. of clearance. To reach 95 feet from:
(1) Evergreen is 82 ft high, or 52 ft above the 30 ft riverbank (95 - 52-10) = 33 ft. required rise.
(2) E 7th St. Is 60 ft high, or 30 ft above the 30 ft riverbank (95 - 30-10) = 55 ft. required rise.
(3) South side of Hayden Island is at 40 ft., or 10 ft. above the 30 ft. riverbank (95-10-10) = 75 ft. required rise.
(4) The current bridge landing is at about 45 ft., or 15 ft. above the 30 ft. riverbank (95-15-10)=70 ft.  required rise.

(The final -10 in the above is for the fact that a 30 ft. elevation provides 40 ft. Of clearance.)